Biri -sziget szikla formációk: Észak -Samar, Fülöp -szigetek

A szél zümmögése kezdett boldog dallamot szövni a fejemben, mivel ez megfulladt a szavakkal, hogy jó barátomnak, Ces -nek kiabáltam a szikla alján. A Bel-at Rock-formáció csúcstalálkozóján voltam a baranga-fejlesztés sziklás partjainak közepén, Biri-ben, Észak-Samarban.

“Ez a legszebb hely, ahol jártam!” Kiáltottam a tüdőmet, remélve, hogy még akkor is hall, amikor a hatalmas szikla legnagyobb pontján vagyok, és ő is a rendkívül alján.

“UGYANAZ ITT IS!” – kiáltotta.

Ez nem volt túlzás. A Biri -sziget a legszebb hely, ahol eddig jártam. Ott álltam, és megpróbáltam felvenni az összes fellebbezést, valamint olyan kérdést, amely körülötte körülötte, bár az elefánt fejem sem tartalmazhat mindent.

A Macadlaw (balra), valamint a Puhunan (jobbra) szikla formációk nézete a Bel-at csúcstalálkozójáról. Tudsz helyezni a jó barátom CES -t?
Jó barátom, Ces a Bel-at Crag alján, Biri-ben, Észak-Samarban

Mi vonatkozik ebben az útmutatóban?

A mangrove -erdő egészében
Fantasztikus négy: Macadlaw, Puhunan, Bel-AT, valamint a Caranas Rock Formations
A BEL-AT medence
Magasang és Magsapad

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A mangrove -erdő egészében

-Haladás-válaszolta Kuya Elvis, a Habal-Habal autósának, akit lovagoltunk. Ez a barangay neve, amelyet látni akartunk – a barangay haladás. Amellett, hogy a név jól tűnt, amikor Kuya Elvis elkezdett minket a híd elején, egy festői mangrove -erdőn futva.

Hogy érzem magam ezt a hídot, nem vagyok biztos benne. Ez nem volt igazán szemfájdalom. Ha van valami, akkor úgy tűnt, mintha a környező tájat fából készült deszkákkal és korlátokkal is kiegészítette. Ugyanakkor egy részem azt akarja, hogy a látogatók lehetőséget kapjanak arra, hogy sokkal „hitelesebb” tapasztalattal rendelkezzenek a mangrove -kkel, vagy megfeleljenek a túraútvonalnak, még akkor is, ha azt jelzi, hogy a sekély vízzel gázol. Ugyanakkor megint nincs olyan koncepcióm, hogy pontosan milyen mélyre kerül a víz. Az árapály volt, amikor meglátogattuk.

Az út a folyamatban lévő sziklaformációkhoz, Biri -sziget
Mielőtt még a sétány legelső táblájára is lábát állhatnánk, azonosítottunk néhány építőmunkást, amely az irányunk felé jön. Amit a mangrove közepén építettek, akkor nem zavartuk, hogy abban az időben higgyünk.

Három méterre a sétányra megdöbbent a táj. A mangrove növekedett a sekély vízből, amely a területet lefedi. Néhány fák között kis csónakot dokkoltak néhány sziklára. Csak elcsúszottunk, és fényképeket készítettünk bármilyen kedvesről, amire nézzük a szemét, és ne felejtsük el, sokan voltak.

A csónakok a Mangrove -erdő egész területén dokkoltak
Folytattuk az utat, amíg nem fedeztük fel, hogy mi volt az, hogy a munkavállalók épülnek – maga az út! Felfedeztük magunkat egy befejezetlen híd közepén. Ami előtt áll, a híd fedélzetének két beton tüske volt, majdnem egy méter távolságra. Még a beton gerendák is lógtak. Az épület megállt a mangrove -erdő közepén, és azt kellett kitalálnunk, hogy pontosan hogyan tudjuk kiszállni a hídról. Küzdöttünk az állványon mászva. A híd végét egy magasodó bambuszoszlop jelölte meg, amelynek tetején hullámzó fehér lap. Ezt használtuk fel annak érdekében, hogy felfedezzük módszerünket a hídhoz, a módszerünk vissza, valamint az erdőből.

Uh-ó … jó barátom, Ces vs a híd
A zászló jelzi a helyet! A zászló, amely a sétány végét jelöli.
Boka mély pocsolya vízzel fakadtunk, és két pályát fedeztünk fel. A fák meglehetősen magasak voltak, és valószínűleg nem láthatjuk, mi volt számunkra mindkettő végén, bár balra fordultunk. Kiderült, hogy a bal út a Puhunan és a Bel-at Rock Formations közötti sziklás közönséghez vezet, miközben jobbra, a természetes medencéhez vezet. Our very first look of heaven occurred as soon as we reached a group of large rocks set up in a circle as if they were having a conference. From there, we had a amazing view of the rock formations along the shore of Biri.

But as one saying goes, we ain’t seen nothing yet.

A paradicsom legelső megjelenése. The layered edges of Bel-at!
Fantastic Four: Macadlaw, Puhunan, Bel-at as well as Caranas rock Formations

There are six major rock formations on the northern side of Biri Island. (I’m quite sure there are other islets as well as rocks in some nooks as well as ideas of the island however there are six gigantic rocks formations on this end alone.) The six are called (in order, from West to East): Magasang, Magsapad, Macadlaw, Puhunan, Bel-at, as well as Caranas. The development trail, which we took at this time, provides gain access to to the last four, which appeared like it was purposely set up on the shore to knock off the fierce waves lapping theedge of the island.

Puhunan. Of the four, the very first to catch our easy-to-get interest was Puhunan. From afar, Puhunan rock formation appears like a half-dipped submarine.It is normally flat with the far end abruptly tilting. Its top is covered with eco-friendly as well as brown vegetation while its cliffs heavily hewn by nature.

Macadlaw rock Formation
Macadlaw. To the left is Macadlaw, which resembles two massive waves that solidified at once. The crag carefully slopes as it techniques the sea. Its shape unexpectedly plunges as it hits the shoreline, developing an nearly vertical drop-off. two coconut trees wave on top of it, best subject of folklores as well as legends.

Bel-at. When seen from its left side, Bel-at rock formation appeared like an colossal desert rock with its brown (almost orange) surface. even its rich naturally layered brinks are light brown bordering yellow with darker lines as well as accents. The moment you climb it, however, it exposes a lot more colors. It is specked with a few trees as well as rough rocks adding shades of gray as well as a hint of green. It is the crag that I selected to traverse since there was a huge boulder on its left side that was extremely simple to climb. From right here I had a spectacular view of the rocky shore ahead, the shallow swamps behind, as well as the other beaches far, far away.

View of Caranas crag with the Bel-at pool in the lower ideal corner
Caranas. The rightmost crag is called Caranas. like Macadlaw, it appears like a couple of waves that froze in action. It is densely blanketed, nearly completely covered, with bright eco-friendly lawn as well as bush with a coconut tree solely battling the powerful wind. huge boulders are stacked at its base, appearing like they likewise froze while rolling down. (OK, I’m getting consumed with the time-freezing thing.)

While the primary attractions in this location are the rock formations, the areas between them are not to be ignored. Sandy beaches are nowhere to be found, however taking their location are rough, rocky grounds harboring little, shallow puddles of seawater. Swimming is nearly impossible right here since the waves are just so freakin’ fierce they can kill by either drowning you or slamming your body onto a rock or both. Besides, there’s a body of water in the area that is much a lot more appropriate for stress-free dipping.

A BEL-AT medence

Between Caranas as well as Bel-at lies a natural pool. We only discovered about this in the last 20 minutes of our stay in the area. (Had we understood earlier, we would have spent a lot more time here.) While I was standing at the pinnacle of Bel-at crag, I heard little voices as well as it got me freaking out for a couple of minutes. We had not seen any individual in the area, making us believe that we were the only people there, yet I kept on hearing voices — laughs, giggles, shouts, even conversations. I was about to concern about my mental health and wellness when I walked to the other side of the cliff as well as discovered that there was one more group of tourists enjoying the chilly water of a natural pool in between gigantic rocks. My deal with lightened up in an instant! I might take a dip after all!

I hurried (carefully) to the base of the rock as well as galloped to the other side. households from other parts of Samar were there having a blast. Ces as well as I left our things in one corner (but within our eyes’ reach) as well as went for a swim. While it was just a pool as well as not the ocean, some parts of it are quite deep. I really had to stay on one side since I was as well poultry to swim across the pool. envision swimming in a turquoise pool while having priceless vistas of the breathtaking landscape. Tökéletes volt.

Top view of Bel-at Pool
Magasang és Magsapad

Lying on the other end of the beach are Magasang as well as Magsapad. These twin rock formations are only a few meters apart, separated by a natural pool of saltwater that catches the sloshes of the gigantic waves that constantly slap its cliffs. The waves crashing creates remarkable splashes, reaching even a few meters in the air. Sometimes, the spill engulfs much of the rocky area between the two rocks. If you’re lucky (or unlucky), you’d get washed away by the waves a number of meters into the pool. igaz sztori.

I understand what you’re thinking: Wow, best for surfing!!! That’s absolutely not suggested (or even possible). The waves may be as well big, however in this part of the site there are no sandy beaches — only gigantic rocks. You may take pleasure in riding the waves, however they will smash you so difficult onto those rocks you may not get to online to tell the story. If you want to swim, stay in the pool as well as pretend you’re Ariel or Dyesebel or something.

Magasang as well as Magsapad rock Formations, Biri Island
Before the wave. See that small dot in the pool? That’s a person snorkeling. That’s exactly how large these rock formations are.
After the wave. The waves engulfing the area between the two rock formations. That’s Magsapad in the background.
A better look at the natural pool between Magasang as well as Magsapad
Magasang appears like a mushroom while Magsapad a shark fin. Both are topped with bright grass. Its cliffs as well as brinks look like they were purposely hewn by a divine master craftsman. One side of Magasang slopes so carefully as well as is blanketed by a textured layer that it serves as a natural staircase to the summit of the cliff. It is so simple to climb since your sandals will grip on the rough rock so effortlessly. Nevertheless, please observe caution whenever you’re traversing anything, particularly a cliff like this. When I reached the top, I had a amazing view of neighbor Magsapad as well as the sea birds that seemed to be having a feast on the other side of the cliff. I stayed there for over 10 minutes to enjoy the waves devour the area between the two crags as well as the gigantic rocks that specked the site.

Southern edge of Magasang rock Formation
So smooth! South cliff of Magasang
Tsk tsk. Some douchebag left this awful graffiti on the cliff of Magasang. Please Leave nothing however Footprints!!!!
Another look at Magsapad rock formation as well as its rocky world.
To our ideal was the sun starting to quote goodbye. Kuya Elvis was already at the beach, waiting on us, however we requested to stay a bit bit longer to enjoy the sunset as well as see Magasang as well as Magsapad slowly vanish in the dark. It was a agonizing schlep leaving that place. We dragged our feet, stopping a number of times just to get a lot more heartbreaking “last looks” of that rocky paradise.

How to get to Biri Island: From Manila, fly to Catarman, northern Samar. Take a trike from Catarman flight terminal to the Bus terminal (PhP 100) as well as trip a jeepney going to Allen (PhP 50). get off at Lavezarez town as well as walk to the little pier. (Not to be confused with the bigger Allen Pier.) Take a boat to Biri (PhP 50). From Biri Port, take a habal-habal to your hotel in the poblacion (P10) as well as pay tourism charge (P50). then tell the habal-habal to take you to Bel-at rock formation (PhP 35, one-way) or Magasang rock formation (same price).

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